8th Edition Tips for 7th Edition Veterans

Alrighty – I’ve had a few games under my belt now, which pretty much makes me a certified expert.*

I also poked the #Warmonger community out on the twitterverse for inspiration, and have awoken the mighty Greggles**, who came out swinging to the great benefit of the 40k community (and myself in particular!)

**Maybe I can get #Gregglesthebest trending sometime in 2017…?

Continue reading “8th Edition Tips for 7th Edition Veterans”

Warhammer 40k 8th Edition and the Imperial Guard

I’ve been writing this article forever.  It’ll never get done.  At first I started writing based wholly on speculation, and now I’m writing it with my first game under my belt, and having poured over all the rules that are available out there (while also pre-ordering the material and anxiously awaiting delivery).

So.  I am now going to hit “publish” but reserve the right to revisit this at a later date as I get more games under my belt.

Continue reading “Warhammer 40k 8th Edition and the Imperial Guard”