2019 – First Half Progress!

Every now and again I feel a bit down on myself, and there’s no one reason to point at necessarily. It’s one of those situations where the dark thoughts, while few, seem to stand against the many very good things that are going on around me. If this is the problem, I just need to allow myself to feel good about my accomplishments this year, and allow the weight of evidence to take over.

So – if you’ll oblige me – I’m going to get a jump start on my year end post where I’m always shocked at what I’ve accomplished throughout the year. For this post I’ll focus on the first 6 months of the year…

Continue reading “2019 – First Half Progress!”

2018 – Hobby in Review

Well, another year in the books.

What were my goals again?

Y’know what?  I’m not even going to set goals for next year, short of “Continue Enjoying the Hobby I Love.”   Anything else would set my expectations too high, and my morale would suffer whenever I come up short of them because of other stuff in my life is happening THAT I AM ALSO IMMENSELY PROUD OF.

On this basis, I’d say this past year was a rip-roaring success.  Those times I grabbed a paint brush were about as relaxing as things could be.  So, without further ado, time for me to cruise through my camera roll and see what I got done.

Continue reading “2018 – Hobby in Review”

Completed: Q2 & Q3 Catch-Up

As part of all my soul searching lately I’ve had an opportunity to identify issues with respect to my motivation.  Specifically on my workflow, I have a tendency to hit a speed bump and then WOOP I’d rather be off doing something else for a while rather than simply running straight through the problem.

So it follows that the speed bump for not posting more hobby progress is that I haven’t posted about hobby progress in a while…

…A-hyep, that’s how my brain works here folks…


Continue reading “Completed: Q2 & Q3 Catch-Up”


I haven’t written anything in a while.  I’ve started a few posts, and then cancelled them entirely because they were, y’know, petty at best and repugnant at worst.  It’s been an interesting time, in hobby, life, the universe, and everything.

In the end, I think I just needed to vomit something out there in order to break the ice again.



2017 Hobby In Review

Around this time of year, everyone starts counting down their TOP X’s of 2017.  Frankly, I don’t have enough to fill out a TOP X.

Personally, 2017 has been amazing in terms of growth and what I’ve been able to achieve.  In terms of hobby, it’s been pretty meh, despite the golden age that is 8th edition.

On this basis, knowing full well I could have done a bit better with my hobby, I’d like to rattle off the stuff I’ve worked on over this year.  Basically I’m shaking down my camera roll, and if it comes out as a stream of consciousness, that’s because IT TOTALLY IS. Continue reading “2017 Hobby In Review”

Completed: Raphen’s Death Company & DC Chaplain

It’s been over a month since I’ve posted last, but I figured I’d wrap up something that’s been lingering too long on my Trello board.  Time to showcase some of the work I wrapped up over the winter, Raphen’s Death Company, and a more recent addition, the DC Chaplain, who has yet to be dubbed.  He died a rather inauspicious death at the hands of some Black Legion inspired cultists during the Apocalypse battle earlier this year…

Continue reading “Completed: Raphen’s Death Company & DC Chaplain”

Conversion: Corvus Vulture

The first sip of Emperor’s Finest StimCaf tasted strangely bitter this morning to Colonel Wishart, sitting in his Command Chimera.  Gagging, he resisted the urge to fling the cup at the driver, who probably brewed it using the primary oil filter again.  The tankers felt it was a right of passage.  The infantry (rightly) thought they were insane.

Perhaps reading his thoughts, his vox officer took the cup away from him before he created a regrettable mess.

“Message from the front lines.  Second platoon’s located and secured a crashed Inquisition vessel, Blackstar class.  It doesn’t appear there are any survivors.”

Wishart wrinkled his brow in contemplation.  Having Deathwatch involved in his airspace was an indication that the battle is about to get a lot hairier.  Despite a large Imperial Armada presently in orbit, the navy was no-where to be found during the fierce fighting these past few days, which makes ground operations needlessly difficult.  His relationship with the navy had been… Acrimonious as of late.

“Did second platoon indicate the condition of the craft?”

“Poor, but it may be serviceable.”

The gears continued to spin.  “Send it on our chief mechanics to take a look.  Do not alert the Commissariat, Inquisition, or the Mechanicus.  …We’re going to need all the help we can get.”

“…Understood, sir.”

Both knew there would be no Tribunal hearing if anybody dressed in black found out about this.

Continue reading “Conversion: Corvus Vulture”

Project R: Integrating by Parts

EDIT: Took down the cover image because for some reason it was overwhelming people’s blog-rolls…. Not sure why prisma did this…

I’m still moving glacially slow when it comes to my painting projects I’m afraid, however I think a part of this might be the fact that I’m not dividing this ship into manageable parts.  With this in mind, I’ve been making incremental progress on the parts I’ve already got assembled, concentrating on the forward superstructure and funnel assembly (which was a testing bed for my painting style, colours, etc.)

Continue reading “Project R: Integrating by Parts”