Not Much Doing

Since I’ve made some pretty drastic head-way in the Derpideo conversion, I haven’t really done too much.

Wait, that’s not really the case.

I guess I accidentally base-coated all my Termagants, the 3 remaining H-Gaunts and the Hive Guard.  Woops!
I guess I accidentally base-coated all my Termagants, the 3 remaining H-Gaunts and the Hive Guard. Woops!

I also got in a great game against a Space Marine Player, whom you will probably recognize from a previous battle report.  I brought my Tyranid Highlander list to test out against is own Highlander list… and well, I got tabled in 4 turns.  My MVP was the Genestealers, who wiped a unit of scouts (LOL) and ate a Whirlwind.  That’s not saying much.

I don’t run into Grav Centurions very much, but these guys have an unholy amount of shooting.  They managed to wipe the Swarmlord and his buddies in a single round of shooting, despite having Catalyst off.  Emphasized the need for a mobile cover save (Venomthrope or Malanthrope, I guess).  The Trygon prime suffered the same fate, and the Carnifex wasn’t far behind them.

Of course, it didn't help that the Marine Warlord drew a trait to infiltrate 3 units.  So I was staring down those grav centurions Turn 1.  I didn't have a remote possibility of destroying that Land Raider with my Carnifex positioned on the flank, so I was pretty much doomed from the start.
Of course, it didn’t help that the Marine Warlord drew a trait to infiltrate 3 units. So I was staring down those grav centurions Turn 1. I didn’t have a remote possibility of destroying that Land Raider with my Carnifex positioned on the flank, so I was pretty much doomed from the start.

To say I might have over-reacted in the aftermath of this game might be an understatement…

Why hello there Zoanthropes!  How are you doing today?  Ready to crack open some Land Raiders I hope?
Why hello there Zoanthropes! How are you doing today? Ready to crack open some Land Raiders I hope?

Since it was Victoria Day weekend here in Canada, I had an opportunity to paint and do yard work yesterday, so I got another one of those pesky Death Company models knocked off.  They have so much bling it’s hard to get any kind of production mojo going like I can get base-coating the ‘Nids.  I like fast, instant results more than painting jewellery… Anyways.

That’s it for now!  Anticipate more posts later this week.  🙂

Miniwargaming Video Batreps are Up!

Remember when I mentioned that I got absolutely rocked by Necrons at the MWG Studio? Here’s the proof.

Although overall I had a great time throwing dice, ultimately I couldn’t take too much pride with how my Guardsmen did. They’ll have to come back wiser, and stronger.

MWG has some pretty awesome studios, and it was a bit of a brain twist to see a highly organized and professional organization existing solely because of plastic mans.  Crazy.


Here’s a highlight reel!

1:50 – Shoutout to the House of Paincakes “Astra Millipede”
3:00 – Matt’s “Bane” impersonation
15:30 – First dice roll of the game….. Nurrrr……
1:00:00 – Vendetta Madness…….

Here’s a Picture of a Hammerhead

I have no real good reason to post it.  I just found it in my dropbox and wanted to share.

I painted it in 3rd edition before I knew what washes were, or how to drybrush.

Since I’ve picked up the game again as of a few years ago, I’ve gone over it again with a light drybrushing to add some depth of the colour.  You can really tell over top of the lettering I used on the nose.

Anyways.  “Black Betty” will likely be carved up and fed to my Orkz in the future sometime.  They loves them some Tau bitz.

EDIT: WOAH HEY, this is also incidentally my 100th post here at The Meadow.  MILESTONE!  *cracks open celebratory whiskey.*

Deredeo Conversion Pt. 2

I’m having trouble typing, I’m so thrilled with how this guy turned out.

Oh. Hell. Yes. If you look at the previous post, you'll notice that I trimmed the guns down such that they're not comically huge anymore.  They're pretty damned big, but they're DAAAAMN big not LOOOOL big.
Oh. Hell. Yes.
If you look at the previous post, you’ll notice that I trimmed the guns down such that they’re not comically huge anymore. They’re pretty damned big, but they’re DAAAAMN big not LOOOOL big. Sorry about the lighting. =|
Side view.  You'll also notice the optics are very much integrated into the weapon system.
Side view. You’ll also notice the optics are very much integrated into the weapon system.
Back view.  I'm not sure if I'm looking at a Timberwolf (Madcat A) or something from the 40k universe... yissss.........
Back view. I’m not sure if I’m looking at a Timberwolf (Madcat A) or something from the 40k universe… yissss………
Size isn't totally out to lunch either.  Here he is with his bros.
Size isn’t totally out to lunch either. Here he is with his bros.

Some things I’m still mulling over — The mounting of the missile launchers on the top is a bit complicated, but nothing I can’t work through.  I might magnetize them and in so doing make things very simple…

I’m also debating the Cyclone missile Launcher in lieu of the Taurox Missiles… but the Cyclone is cute whereas the Taurox is RAWWR.  And lets be honest, there’s nothing subtle about this thing.

So yeah.  I’m like, beyond stoked.  He just vaulted all the way to the top of the painting queue.  MUAHAHAHA.