Battle Report: Astra Militarum vs. Necrons (2,000pts)

So, the house is getting there, my hobby space is slowly getting unpacked, and I caught enough free time on a Monday to get a game in!  It was a bit of a learner, because I hadn’t played in 4 months, and this also represents only my third battle in 8th edition.

Regrouping following the 13th Crusade from Cadia, Knight Commander Pask sets up camp around some Imperial Ruins.  Within hours, some of the accompanying infantry are not reporting in their patrols.  Techpriests are encountering significant difficulty taming the machine spirits of the normally docile and dim Leman Russes of the armoured division.

Sensing these ruins were abandoned for a reason, the Knight Commander orders his troops to readiness just as the klaxons sound.  Metallic wraiths had phased in around the perimeter, ready to protect the tombs of their forebears, accompanied by two dreaded C’Tan.

Within moments battle was joined.


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Floods, Real Estate, Power Tools, Goats and Dollies

My last posts would have been dated, what, mid June?  At that point in time I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed over the pending release of 8th Edition Warhammer 40k and getting some serious gaming going over the summer months…

That obviously got derailed…

HOOBOY.  Been a long, wild summer eh?  Buckle up for yet another excuse post (or proof of life).

Continue reading “Floods, Real Estate, Power Tools, Goats and Dollies”